Here are just a couple of the things that we are looking forward to this year.
This May, we can expect to see a very exciting art exhibit in Tokyo. The 5th Annual Seiryo Art Exhibition will take place on Sunday, May 18-Sunday, May 25 of 2014 at the Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo Art Gallery.
Art Gallery hours are from 11:00am-6:00pm. It will be open until 4:00pm on the last day of the exhibition.
Address: 2-10-8, Sekilguchi
BunKyo-Ku, Tokyo,
JAPAN 112-8667
Telephone: 03-3943-2222
Art Gallery hours are from 11:00am-6:00pm. It will be open until 4:00pm on the last day of the exhibition.
Address: 2-10-8, Sekilguchi
BunKyo-Ku, Tokyo,
JAPAN 112-8667
Telephone: 03-3943-2222
風薫る五月の到来。全世界的に予測し兼ねる不順天候 にもめげず,植物達は健気に自分達の季節カレンダーを 守り, 可憐な花々をつけて我々の目を楽しませてくれる。"星陵美術展" (日比谷高校卒業生OB/OG 美術展)も今年で 第五回目を迎え,今回は出品者,出品作数も増え,準備委員一同喜んでおります。ホテル椿山荘東京のギャラリーに是非お出かけいただけますよう,出品者一同心よりお待ちいたして居ります。星陵美術展準備委員会一同 | We successfully finished The 5th Annual Seiryo Art Exhibition. Next year, (2015) we will schedule the 6th Exhibition from 5/24/15(Sun.) to 5/31/15(Sun) At the same place and same time.
第5回星陵美術展は沢山の皆様のご来場を仰ぎ,成功裏に終了しました。来年も是非お出掛け頂きます様,ご案内いたします (5/24/15---5/31/15---日曜から日曜まで)
" Elegance and Romance from Virginia" クラッシックMUSICコンサート
In the Fall, Virginian musicians are traveling to Tokyo to perform at Yamaha Hall. Brothers and violin and viola duo, Brian and Kevin Matheson, will be playing with opera singers Amy Cofield Williamson, soprano, and Scott Williamson, tenor, and with piano accompanist, Judith Clark.
Don't miss out! Come see the remarkable performance on November 5, 2014 at 6:30 pm!
Learn more about the concert on the duo's website. Click here for a Japanese translation of the Matheson brothers' information.